Pierre-Olivier L'Espérance

B. Sc.

Associate Cloud Certified
with Google Cloud Platform

Solution Architect Associate
with Amazon Web Services

Here is my resume

My Bachelor Degree

My Latest Grades Bachelor in Computer Science (4.20)


With over 20 projects completed, here's a sample for display. No back-end integration are supplied for cost management purpose.

Project #1

    Final Homework Web Design : link : Click here

    HTML css javascript jquery localStorage

    Description : this is my homework assignement for one of my class at Universite de Montreal

    Date : 2022-12-27

Project #2

    DUMMY RPG GAME: link : Click here


    Description : this is me learning Vue framework with a class from udemy.com

    Date : 2023-01-05

Project #3

    FOOD ORDER APP: link : Click here

    React useState useRef useContext localStorage

    Description : This is me learning React framework with a class from udemy.com

    Date : 2022-05-05

Project #4

    MEETING TRACKER: link : Click here

    React react-router-dom Firebase

    *The back-end server is offline

    Description : this is me learning React framework with a class from udemy.com

    Date : 2021-10-12


Google Cloud Platform
Associate Cloud Certified
Click here

Amazon Web Services
Solution Architect Associate
Click Here


I am a cloud computing instructor on udemy.com

Right now I have 1 course available on the platform,
it's called "My First Step With AWS (60 minutes crash course)"

Click here to see the course